Outreach for Seattle Housing Authority
Yesler Terrace residents showing where they live
Yesler Terrace Redevelopment
We worked closely with Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) to charter and support the Yesler Terrace Citizen Review Committee, charged with developing a guiding vision for redevelopment of Yesler Terrace into a mixed-income community. To give this diverse community an opportunity to contribute, we used a variety of tools and techniques to gather information about shared values, important amenities, and ways to achieve social equity, economic opportunity, environmental stewardship, and one-for-one replacement housing. A draft vision document was translated into nine languages, providing equal access for community members to provide input on the definitions, principles, and community values considered. The final vision was adopted by the SHA Board in 2006.
High Point Hope VI Communications
We developed and implemented a comprehensive communications plan that served as a road map for public outreach and communication during redevelopment. The project engaged West Seattle stakeholders and citywide interests in the redevelopment of a 120-acre site into a new mixed-income, sustainable community featuring green infrastructure, BuiltGreen housing, and public buildings. We supported SHA in planning and facilitating the Partnership for High Point Stakeholders, interactive design workshops for residents and neighbors, community organization briefings, and briefings for key community leaders and elected officials. Through proactive efforts to engage key players in the project, the redevelopment plan was strongly supported and secured a unanimous vote from city council for a contract rezone that was essential to moving the project forward.
Marcia Wagoner led both efforts.